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How to Finish the Semester Strong

A road ending into a yellow end sign

For any college or high school student, the end of the semester is one of the toughest times to be productive and get things done. Those three to four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be the biggest time warp of all time. All of a sudden there are ten different things due and now no time to do them. In this blog, I will give you my three tips for finishing the semester strong.

1. Create Specific Times for Everything.

This is crucial to being the most efficient at the end of the semester. There will be people trying to hang out, basketball games to watch, and lounging that you will want to do. It is important to set a schedule for getting work done. It does not even need to be anything longer than an hour to two at a time, but setting that time aside to get those things done will make you more productive. At this point in the year, it is merely about getting things done. Carving out time to get things done will keep you on a schedule and force you to get things done in that window. Becoming your most efficient self at the end of the year is critical.

2. Get Sleep.

This is an underrated thing to do because it always feels like there is never enough time to do the things that you need to. Take it from someone who has overworked themselves and sacrificed sleep to get things done. It is never worth it. A good night's sleep is underrated and is something that you should get every single night. If you are tired, you will be less efficient and not get what you need to do. Getting sleep is the best because you are more efficient and get more work done. It is not worth sacrificing sleep to get work done. If you follow step one, then it will not be a problem.

3. Eat Right.

This is another facet of life that people do not always understand. Eating right is crucial to your body operating at its peak. When you do not eat right, you will be more tired, less efficient, and more likely to get sick. Those are all things that you need to avoid to be successful. Some things I have heard that are extra important are vitamin C, especially to protect your body. Another is Vitamin D, especially for us who live in snowy areas of the country where the sun is only out for 8 or so hours if at all. Lastly, your body needs good protein to keep it running. Protein will keep you awake and alert so that you can be more efficient when you are doing work.

Following these tips will help you get through that holiday slump and finish the semester strong. For other college tips, read this blog, My Top 3 Tips for College ( Good luck with the end of your semester!

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