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  • mmontoya4

The Art of Persistence

A green road sign displaying the word persistence.

As a graduating senior in college, persistence is one thing that I have learned to develop and develop quickly. College is the place where one will make many errors and mistakes and need to learn from those mistakes. It may be one of the only places in modern society where it is accepted and even encouraged to fail. Outside of a university failure has grave consequences that most people would like to avoid. While failure is accepted in college, failure should also help people to develop a sense of persistence.

According to the Oxford definition persistence is defined as, "firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition". Meaning that despite the challenges and struggles that one faces, there is a will to keep going. I firmly believe that in order to not just survive college, but to thrive, a student must develop a sense of persistence. Persistence is the trait that gets things done in spite of the obstacles. A trait which I feel sometimes is lacking in people.

Persistence is a trait that is developed through failure and it is something that pushes people to try again. It does not matter if it is something romantically, academically, or even career-wise, the drive to be persistent will take people a long way. This translates directly to the workforce. Displaying a sense of persistence will show employers that you are serious about what you do and that inconveniences will not hinder you. That is something, I believe, that employers desperately want in their employees. So, my challenge to you is to go out into the world and display the persistence that you have developed. Show your employer why they chose you over other candidates. Good luck and don't forget that life is not about how hard you get knocked down, but how you get up and respond.

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