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My Top 3 Tips for College

A stressed college student

College can and will be a stressful time for almost everyone. If that is not you, then you are one of the fortunate individuals. For everyone else here, welcome to the grind that is college. Just to clarify, if college has been a struggle that is quite alright, it is a new experience for everyone and we are all trying to do our best. I think that finding tips to help balance your life is beneficial no matter what year you are in school. So, here are my five tips for college as a graduating senior.

Tip #1: Learn to Plan out Time for Things.

For me, this was one of the most important skills I had to learn. When I came to college, I thought I would be able to just do everything I wanted to and not have to think of when I would do those things. I soon realized that if I wanted to be successful in school, I needed to plan out my weeks. For me, it went as far as planning out when I was going grocery shopping. Every Sunday, I sit down and plan out my week from tests and homework down to things I want to do with friends. I have found that it creates a focus in me to get things done and divvy time to certain tasks. While it was not easy to do at first, I found that planning things ahead of time helped me to be more successful and efficient.

a planner

Tip #2: Understand Your Limits.

Another thing that is underestimated by every college student is how much they can do. We all think that we are invincible and that we have endless time, money, and attention span. Spoiler: we do not. I found that it is important to realize that you cannot do every activity that you are invited to and that is alright. In my freshman year, I had to turn down a camping trip with my buddies because I had a major assignment due that weekend that I had not finished. While I wanted to go, I had to understand that I needed to get my assignment done and not go camping. I understood my limits. This looks different for everyone, but it is a crucial piece of college life.

two sets of feet divided by a yellow line.

Tip #3: Take Time for Yourself

Coming into college, it is underestimated how much time you will spend around other people. As someone who is extremely extroverted, I thought that being around people all the time would be fine. I was sorely mistaken. I came to find that I was constantly overwhelmed and could rarely find time for myself. I found that watching movies by myself and not responding to my phone was the cure for being overwhelmed. Once I figured out my release and reset, I found myself feeling better and being overwhelmed less than before. This may be the best thing that I found for myself and has made my life a lot better. For some people, their release could be taking a bike ride, reading a chapter in a book, or even going to the gym. Whatever your release is, it is important to do it at least once a week to help you reset and be successful.

Two people in a hammock

These three tips are just things that I have found to help me in my time at college. If you do it differently that is awesome. College is a journey of self-discovery and everyone discovers themselves differently. That is something that makes college so inherently beautiful. So, whatever helps you to get through college make it something worth it. Happy exploring!

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